Friday, December 31, 2010


In 2009, I made a resolution that I was able to keep for over a year and that was to be 100% alcohol free for the entire year! I tried to take in a shot of brandy in welcoming 2010 but it gave me acid so I decided to say farewell to alcohol for good. But...I tried it during my 33rd birthday and I got really drunk. I was so hung over the next day that I vowed to just drink "occasionally"...the occasion being my birthday! :D

I was not able to keep my 2010 resolution which was to be more frugal. So here I am...ready to welcome 2011 with a set of things I vow to "try" to keep:

  • I will lose at least 20 lbs this year. How? I'll start with a detox method I learned online. I will be nicer to my body and feed it with only the good stuff. I will TRY to eat meat just ONCE a week and swear off fast food for good! I will learn how to say no to cakes, ice cream, and frappuccinos.
  • I will be nicer to cab drivers, sales ladies, and supermarket counter persons. I will try to understand their situation and give more empathy.
  • I will meet my me rephrase that. I MUST MEET MY DEADLINE
So...if you see me not keeping my resolutions, please feel free to remind me. :D