Friday, October 1, 2010


If you're a girl and you get your period regularly then you are all familiar with that monthly dilemma you experience that's so inexplicable you just want to shut yourself out from the whole world.

Yes...that thing called pre-menstrual syndrome is a killer (well not literally) for many women. As defined by wikipedia, it is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle. Physical symptoms may include breast tenderness and zits, among other stuff. Emotional symptoms include dysphoria, or the presence of an unpleasant mood. It is the exact opposite of euphoria.

I know it's way, way too much information for me to say this but, yes...I just got out of one. It's a monthly thing I don't exactly look forward to. Having my monthly period PLUS cramps is a joy as compared to experiencing PMS.

I was soooo irritable for one whole week. To add to that, my self-esteem was at a record low. I couldn't explain it. It felt like it was the end of the world. No one could understand my mood!

The day before my period was the worst day ever. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to strangle everybody who crossed me. I was ready to welcome the worst migraine of my life but nothing came...not one single hint of a headache. All I got was depression! I was chatting with my ASM and I was crying because I couldn't explain what I was feeling. I was so depressed I asked my best friend to call me just to cheer me up. Some were actually saying I was depressed because of this guy, but trust's not him! I was positive he wasn't the reason because I felt totally different the next day. It felt like nothing I was living a nightmare the day before. Like I was a zombie in reverse!

So, why am I writing about this? It's because women have always been misunderstood. Men think we're crazy because of the mood swings we get. Some men would even try to pick a fight with us during this period. Bad idea!

What should men do when their girl is having these mood swings? I, for one, would just want to be with my man. He doesn't have to say anything, he just has to be there. He can try to bring me flowers, or chocolates, or my favorite dessert, but his mere presence would be ok for me. It would work differently for other women, though. Maybe they want to be alone or maybe they just go out with their man.

Truth is, it's nothing personal. PMS is a normal thing women go through every month. It's nothing to be annoyed about but instead, something that many men must understand. It's as normal as breathing. It's like a deep wound that needs to be treated with utter care and patience so that healing will progress.

Two days after my horrific PMS mode, I feel totally different. I remember feeling so light-hearted despite of the intense cramps I was experiencing. The grey cloud that hovered above me was no longer in sight.

It is proof that it's really nothing personal. It's something that women have no control over. Yes, we can choose our attitude, but PMS has a very strong force over women.

Don't argue! :D


  1. i am guessing my previous post was influenced by pms... i am actually thinking about deleting that post. lol

  2. I am at an all time low when I go through this phase, as if I acquired all the self-pity in the world when God created it, but after the "period" lo and behold a total 180 turnaround of mood! weird! hehe
